Property:Query string
No Barikadopēdija
"Query string" is a predefined property that describes the conditions of the query as a string and is provided by Semantic MediaWiki. This property is pre-deployed (also known as special property) and comes with additional administrative privileges but can be used just like any other user-defined property.
[[Kategorija:Events]] [[Event compound date:: <q>[[Year::1987]] [[Month::3]] [[Day::21]]</q> ]]
[[Kategorija:Events]] [[Event compound date:: <q>[[Year::1986]] [[Month::3]] [[Day::21]]</q> ]]
[[Kategorija:Events]] [[Event compound date:: <q>[[Year::1984]] [[Month::3]] [[Day::21]]</q> ]]
[[Kategorija:Events]] [[Event compound date:: <q>[[Year::1985]] [[Month::3]] [[Day::21]]</q> ]]
[[Kategorija:Events]] [[Event compound date:: <q>[[Year::1989]] [[Month::3]] [[Day::21]]</q> ]]
[[Kategorija:Events]] [[Event compound date:: <q>[[Year::1991]] [[Month::3]] [[Day::21]]</q> ]]
[[Kategorija:Events]] [[Event compound date:: <q>[[Year::1990]] [[Month::3]] [[Day::21]]</q> ]]
[[Kategorija:Events]] [[Event compound date:: <q>[[Year::1989]] [[Month::3]] [[Day::21]]</q> ]]
[[Kategorija:Events]] [[Event compound date:: <q>[[Year::1990]] [[Month::3]] [[Day::21]]</q> ]]
[[Kategorija:Events]] [[Event compound date:: <q>[[Year::1987]] [[Month::3]] [[Day::21]]</q> ]]
[[Kategorija:Events]] [[Event compound date:: <q>[[Year::1988]] [[Month::3]] [[Day::21]]</q> ]]
[[Kategorija:Articles]] [[About organization::"Glābiet bērnus!" Latvijas nodaļa]]
[[Kategorija:Articles]] [[About media::"Krasnojarskij komsomoļec", laikraksts]]
[[Kategorija:Articles]] [[About media::"Maclean's", žurnāls (Kanāda)]]
[[Kategorija:Articles]] [[About media::"Moskovskije Novosti"]]
[[Kategorija:Articles]] [[About media::"Novoje Russkoje Slovo"]]
[[Kategorija:Articles]] [[About organization::"Pērkonkrusts"]]
[[Kategorija:Articles]] [[About media::"The Globe and Mail",laikraksts (Kanāda)]]
[[Kategorija:Articles]] [[About media::"Zarja Vostoka", laikraksts (Gruzija)]]
Informatīvais paziņojums par Padomju Savienības Komunistiskās partijas Centrālās Komitejas plēnumu +
[[-About organization::713656]]